
【 將具象的美好平面化、帶進生活的波蘭藝術家 —— Ewa Sho 】

Ewa 是一個來自波蘭的攝影師以及數位藝術家,目前居住在波蘭的首都華沙。過去於華沙美術學院主修攝影及平面設計,曾在波蘭當地以及倫敦著名中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院參與多次攝影相關工作坊、課程。 Ewa Sho is a Polish photographer and digital artist who lives and works in Warsaw. She studied photography at Warsaw School of Photography & Graphic Design and participated in many photography workshops in Poland and London, such as at St. Martins College of Art and Design in London, UK.

A Polish artist who makes figurative beauty on papers and brings them into life —— Ewa Sho

Ewa 是一個來自波蘭的攝影師以及數位藝術家,目前居住在波蘭的首都華沙。過去於華沙美術學院主修攝影及平面設計,曾在波蘭當地以及倫敦著名中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院參與多次攝影相關工作坊、課程。
Ewa Sho is a Polish photographer and digital artist who lives and works in Warsaw. She studied photography at Warsaw School of Photography & Graphic Design and participated in many photography workshops in Poland and London, such as at St. Martins College of Art and Design in London, UK.

她攝影之外的作品的共同點是在畫面中詮釋流動感的表現手法,嘗試將複雜的、具象化的畫面利用簡單的線條、圖形以及顏色去表現,是她一直很著迷的事情。也因為這份熱愛,帶領她走向全新的開始。 THE MIUUS STUDIO 是她在 2018 年開啟的計畫,將自己的藝術作品發佈在線上平台販售,將這份美好送到世界各地。
Besides Ewa’s photography, the spirit of the rest of her works is the presenting of paints flow to express complicated and specific appearance by only one line, shape, or color. This passion motivates Ewa to launch a new project and in 2018 she opened THE MIUUS STUDIO, an online store where her artworks could be sold and delivered worldwide.

THE MIUUS STUDIO 的宗旨是將我們身邊美好的一切和藝術融入你所在的空間。而他們最新推出的計畫非常的有趣,從自然裡的色調、加州的陽光以及沙漠的顏色裡獲得創作的靈感,創作了一系列非常迷人的作品。
The main concept and mission of THE MIUUS STUDIO are to surround people with beauty and art in the spaces in which people live. Recently, THE MIUUS STUDIO is highlighted with its new collection, which is inspired by the natural tone, California sunshine, and the colors of the desert.

她的創作大多都是利用簡單的幾何圖形、線條完成的,不論是放在什麼風格的空間裡的非常適合。大地色系的畫作可以為空間增添純粹、自然的感覺,很適合放在以大地色系為主的空間裡。而黑白為主的畫作更為百搭,放進北歐簡約的空間能讓空間更有層次也不會過於裝飾;在色彩繽紛的風格,像是波希米亞的空間裡作為點綴,也不會讓空間看起來過於雜亂。她的畫作都是空間佈置很好的 Deco 品。
Most of her artworks are created with simple geometries and lines. Surprisingly, they are suitable for anywhere to place for decorating. For instance, her artworks in earth tone bring nature and pure atmosphere while some artworks in Black & White are classic which could make spaces more textured. They can also match colorful spaces like Bohemia style as well. Undoubtedly, Ewa's artworks are the best decoration of interior design.

我們邀請 Ewa 針對這幅創作分享自己的創作理念。
As usual, we invite Ewa to share the concept of ABSTRACT II.

這幅畫作的靈感來自於 Ewa 對於大自然、藝術的探索,同時也是對於對稱圖形以及畫面平衡的藝術呈現。
The work is inspired by the exploration of nature and art of study symmetry and balance.

如果你喜歡 Ewa 的作品,可以在 THE MIUUS STUDIO 購買畫作的電子檔案喔!同時也可以追蹤 THE MIUUS STUDIO 的官方 Instagram,除了分享全新的藝術創作之外,上面也有很多光影很漂亮的照片,也許可以在你佈置空間的過程中帶來靈感喔!
If you like the artworks of Ewa, you can purchase the digital version on THE MIUUS STUDIO official website. Moreover, you can follow THE MIUUS STUDIO official Instagram to find the newest artworks and amazing photographs with awesome light and shadow, which may bring you some inspirations of decorating!

Official Website | THE MIUUS STUDIO
Instagram | themiuusstudio


以上內容、照片皆已取得 Ewa Sho / THE MIUUS STUDIO 的授權使用
All contents and photos are authorized by Ewa Sho / THE MIUUS STUDIO.